Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy Workshop - This event has already occurred
Wednesday, December 4, 2024 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm
17 Victoria Street Rosseau Nursing Station, Rosseau, Wellness Room
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Event Details:
Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy is an evidence-based treatment and support for people struggling with stress, depression, and anxiety.
This group is being facilitated by Dr. Shira Taylor and is 100% covered by OHIP.
The goal of this group is to introduce the specific tools and skills of mindfulness meditation for motivated individuals struggling with habitual/chronic stress, burnout, depression and/or anxiety.
Suitable participants:
- are dealing with burnout, stress, or a mental health condition and could benefit from learning tools for stress reduction
- are ready and willing to commit to coming to all eight sessions and a one day retreat
- Are willing and able to do one hour of home practice daily
- have a valid OHIP card
- Are not dealing with active serious mental health issues (untreated PTSD, psychosis, suicidality, etc), an active substance use addiction, or life circumstances that prevent regular group participation
To learn more and to register please go to: https://www.drshirataylor.ca/upcoming-groups/mindfulness-parry-sound-muskoka-lh4pf
Although a referral from your family doctor is not required, it is helpful. Please find attached a referral form to bring to your doctor. Feel free to share the attached poster as well.
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